Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) PDF Epub

Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) Epub PDF

Category : RAND Corporation

Author : Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise

Asin code: B002ZG7Y56

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Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) da Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise PDF

Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) [Epub] da Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise

Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) [Ebook] da Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise

Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) [PDF] da Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise

Scaricare Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) [Audiobook] da Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise

Read Online Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia (Technical Report (RAND)) da Joseph Jenkins, Charles P. Ries, Oliver Wise

This study examines how policies to increase energy efficiency in buildings in the European Union and Australia have worked and draws implications for the design of similar public policies for the United States. It appears that effective policies to promote energy efficiency can be devised using information disclosure, building codes, financial incentives, and benchmarking. Insights are presented to help designers of analogous U.S. policies.

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